At least my world.
I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony! I'd like to buy the world a taco, and keep it company! {What? No, I wasn't born when that commercial happened, but I'm up on things. Ok, my father used to sing us every theme song and jingle from 1970-1985}
After a beautiful {gorgeous, sunny, 65 degree} weekend, it's back to the daily grind, and nothing cheers a Monday up like a shrimp taco. I actually made these tacos while we were in Wyoming, because nothing is quite as foolproof as avocado {or guacamole} + salsa + tortilla + kicky shrimp {or shrimps, as my great-aunt used to say}. I really don't think you can screw up a taco, because the toppings are totally up to you! Cheese? Yes! Tomatoes? But, of course! Slaw? Absolutely! Apple? Go for it! {This is also known as "cleaning out your refrigerator into a tortilla}
We used to live in Nashville, which I also refer to as: the town with 2,464 amazing taco restaurants. Our current town is more like: the town with two very below average "mexican" chains and NO {repeat ZERO} taco places. Let's not even start with the food truck ratio of Nashville to here {7,983:0}. It's enough to make me jump in my {tiny} car and drive around town offering tacos out the window. Which is probably enough to get me arrested.
So in lieu of any good taco providers, I provide for myself. It's handy that I'm pretty good at it. I've also included an un-pictured recipe for lime, cilantro, and apple slaw which is also kick you in the pants awesome on top of shrimp in a taco.
Basic Shrimp Tacos
Serves 2 (verrry easily multiplied)
2/3 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined
3 tablespoons panko crumbs
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon tony chachere's seasoning salt
1/8 teaspoon smoked {or regular} paprika
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
4-6 small tortillas
Toppings and such:
Avocado or guacamole
Quartered cherry tomatoes
Sour cream
Red onion
Slaw (check out below)
Heat a skillet to medium-high heat. Toss shrimp with panko crumbs and spices until they're evenly distributed. Pour 2 tablespoons canola oil into the skillet, and when hot, add the shrimp. Cook until shrimp are pink all the way through, about 5-7 minutes. Layer in a tortilla with amazing toppings!
Lime, Cilantro, and Apple Slaw
Serves 6+ as a taco topping
1 bag of pre-shredded cabbage
1 large redish apple (no greens or yellows)
Juice of 2 large limes (about 1/2 cup)
2 tablespoons honey
Place the cabbage in a large bowl. Mix together the lime juice and the first tablespoon of honey and taste. It should be tart, but not sour. If mixture is sour, add the second tablespoon. Pour over cabbage and mix well. Then, slice and apple into small chunks and toss with cabbage. Voila! Finito.